Friday, March 6, 2020

Banyan Tree Learning Motivational Information


You must have all seen a banyan tree. Have you ever seen a seed of a banyan tree? The size of the seed of a banyan tree is very small even smaller than a mustard seed. It is one of the great big trees in the world. 

Initially when it is just planted and born it does not have the many leafs or the branches but With time when it starts growing the many leaves and many branches and has to pick up the increasing weight of them. These branches start reaching the ground and provide support to the banyan tree. 

This is a very important teaching lesson of life. Without any self interest keep doing the good deeds tasks, help other people around in the community. Slowly with time those that you have provided support help will become your supporters and make your roots and base stronger, give it the big shape and increase the lifespan. Lifelong the selfless work and support to others will help you stay alive forever, remembered even when your gone. 

In the Gujarati language, banya means “grocer or merchant”, not “tree”. The Portuguese picked up the word to refer specifically to Hindu merchants, and passed it along to the English as early as 1599 with the same meaning. By 1634, English writers began to tell of the banyan tree, a tree under which Hindu merchants conducted their business. The tree provided a shaded place for a village meeting or for merchants to sell their goods. Eventually, “banyan” became the name of the tree itself.

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